
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hate sectioning grapefruit? Have paper cluttering your house?

Me too!  I know these are two totally random problems, but they are what I stumbled upon during my blog stocker session this morning.  

1.  Grapefruit is delicious but such a pain!  Right?!  I know!  So follow this link:
I am definitely going to try this! I think I'll buy a grapefruit next time I'm at the store!  Happy grapefruiting!

2. I have tons of paper clutter!  I started an action center (see link below) to organize it but it hasn't been working.  After reading the link, I figured out why!  I stuck my action center in a room I don't like to spend much time in...duh!  My action center also didn't fit my organizing style...double duh!!! 

Here's what wasn't working...again, in a room where the problem wasn't occurring and totally not my organizing style (very important):
My paper clutter builds up right next to my couch.  Like my mom, I've never been much of a coffee table person, I like an open room and I hate how easily it becomes a hot spot (a term for a catch-all for clutter).  But we've had a coffe table for the last three years since I didn't know where to put stuff.  We finally sold our coffee table at my first yard sale this last weekend (so fun!).  But now, I don't have a spot to put stuff...where's this all leading your wondering?  Well... I bought this cute LITTLE side table that will sit against a wall and not in the MIDDLE of my living room!  It's my new action center and it's actually in the room where the clutter builds the exact spot it builds up even!!!!   It has three containers to 1. Action, 2. File, or 3. Use (again, read the link, it explains everything!).  I'm so giddy!  Can't wait to see how it works!
Want to know what an action center is and how to handle paper clutter?  Follow this link, it could be life changing!:

Here is my oh so cute lil' action center!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Fabulous! I am so glad you caught that point. It is so important. Good luck and if you have any questions contact me!