
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SpRiNg bReAk san diego style!!!

What does 8 best buddies + college education + part time jobs + no money + young newlyweds + road trip
= ???

One of the best vacations of all time!

Day 1-can't wait for the beach, playin' some football in the parking garage
 THE BEACH!!!! 80 degrees and sunshine.  Boogie Boardin' with Colton was so much fun!  Non-Wetsuit the water was freezing, but with them it felt so good.
 While Jed & Amanda were surfing we helped watch Cali.  Poor lil' girl was too excited to nap but oh so tuckered out!  I put her in her stroller and walked her around on the board walk and less than 2 minutes later... :)

Colton went surfing for the first time.  This is our friend Taylor with him.

This boy loves the beach


Day 2
March Madness and Old Town San Diego

This is at the Mormon Battalion Site.  It is so awesome and so free and so worth anyone's time.  They just redid it and we were there just a week too early-an apostle will be dedicating it this Friday, I forget which one.
 the group, L to R: The Dyes, The Webbs, The Foulgers, The Ledbetters, we are so close to this gang, it will be so hard when we all move away!
Inside the show, you move room to room and they make it as if you are traveling along with the Mormon Battalion.  It was really cool for little kids and big kids (i.e. Colton and I) too!

brick making

There's gold in them thar hills!

Cali panning for gold
two members of the Mormon Battalion!

These pictures are free at the museum.  

Playing Indiana Jones at the market in Old Town San Diego, always pulling a face :)

Street of Old Town San Diego

Of course I had to get a picture in front of the Colorado house!


We went to Sea World with the Webbs, it was Amanda, Cali, and I's first time!  I loved it.  No lines, no waiting, and lots of cool animals to see and interaction!

Couldn't find a good Sea World sign to take a picture in front of so we decided this cute little whale-bug would do

the Webbs, thanks for coming with us guys it was so fun!

big fishy!  

I think Amanda should chase her dream of being a trainer...I would love to come visit a friend who worked here! ;)

These flamingos were out of their habitat right next to the side walk.

This is how close we could get to them!

Cali and her "tweet tweets," this was the first animal she saw and she was so mad when we started to move on to see other things...she didn't figure out till later on in the day that this place was full of animals and we weren't taking her away from them!

Penguin Exhibit Feeding Time, they had 5 different kinds of penguins...who knew there are more than 1?!



sea otters, they looked like big ferrets

feeding time for the seals

The Sea Lion Show, it was pretty sweet

Check out the albino walrus! That thing was a beast!

sea turtles, by the way, this was at the restaurant where we ate for lunch...and also, where I was pooped on by a flying out!

the dolphin tank

We got to feel the bat rays, they have their stingers removed, this was definitely one of the high lights of Sea World!  They are so slimy but very, very cool!

Colton pretending to have food for this hungry bat ray

At the tide pools, holding a live star fish... "Keep it in the water!!!!" :)

this fish was huge, we used Cali for a comparison

big fishy, could have eaten her lol

excited for the "ishy's" face

her parents would point her in a direction and she would take off with this face, guess she wasn't mad anymore that we were moving on to see the next exhibit

the ride over the bay, it was pretty but really short

the bridge from the bay ride

the shark tube/tunnel, there is a glass tube you walk through with the aquarium above you

in the shark tube

Jaws...dunna.......dunna....dunna dunna...dunna dunna dunna...!!!!


Antarctic Exhibit...Beluga Whale


Jed in the ice cave

DAY 4 THE SWAP MEET, "LA JOLLA" COVE,  AND UNO'S PIZZA (WAY GOOD PIZZA BY THE WAY) , pronounced by our group with a Ja! :) right gang?
We heard this beach had clear water for snorkeling and tide pools with starfish, the water was clear enough to see the ocean floor!

the clear water

seals on a small rock island

It's the time of year for the seals to have their pups and La Jolla is one of the only places they can do's all the mommies and their babies on the beach.  It was cool to see this out in the wild.  They ask that you don't get too close so it doesn't stress out the mothers and babies.


seal on the other side of the cove away from the birthing place, it didn't seem to mind we were there

us at La Jolla

the Foulgers at La Jolla

a game of hands up stand up spurred this creativity at the park by La Jolla, L to R: Shenille Foulger, Me, Amanda Webb, Holly Ledbetter

girls will be girls! L to R: Holly, Amanda, Shay, Shenille

the boys playing some 3 on 2 football (Forrest had to study :( ),   
The plan

the prep

the play!

What we'll have to do next time we're in San Diego:
1. visit Coronado Island and Coronado Bridge
2. visit Little Italy
3. go kayaking in the ocean at La Jolla
4. go scuba diving at La Jolla
5. THE BEACH!!! always, the beach


Danielle said...

It looks like you guys had a blast!! I love the pictures!

shady brady dye said...

well I got tired of uploading pics last night, so I finished them today!

Holly said...

Woot woot for the best vacation ever! We could definitely make that a yearly tradition.

Amber said...

That looks like such a fun trip. You are so pretty! I love all your pictures glad you guys had such a great vacation. You make me want to go!