I have mentioned this movie a lot since we have been having ultra sounds and since my stomach never seems to stop growling/girgling. Colton is really the one who mentions it in reference to our sweet little baby to be. In case you don't have a clue about this totally boy movie, these predator dudes (robot-like things) hunt these alien guys as a rite of passage and all of humankind is stuck in the middle. The plot is sub-par, the mucous/slobbers/green goo are a little (or a lot) over the top, the acting is horrible; but hey, it's got "decent graphics and fighting", or so I hear from the hubby. Maybe it's just something us girls will never understand.
L to R: Alien, Predator, and of course, lot's of saliva...
How does this relate to our little guy? The predators hunt the aliens for a rite of passage/for fun, as was mentioned. The predators need a nice little hunting ground, a.k.a. earth, to raise their "ultimate" alien prey to hunt. But where do humans come in? Well, you see, the queen Alien produces eggs. The humans must be a host to propogate the alien species of course! When these alien eggs hatch, they become these little alien "face huggers," second stage of development or something to that affect. What face huggers do, is attach to human faces and insert future alien posterity down the mouths and into the stomachs of the humans. The humans act as hosts to the species and don't know what is parasitically growing inside of them until......the aliens develop into the "chestburster" stage (third stage of alien development) can only image what that entails. The aliens burst out of the humans, leaving them dead....quite graphic....quite boy movie. Back to our child... Colton thinks this:
looks like a "chestburster."
Colton thinks this:
sounds like an alien
Colton thinks this:
looked like it was about to burst out of my human cavity last night!
And I couldn't agree with him more! For the last week Colton has been able to feel the baby move, but only when I cue him to when the kicks are happening. Last night, we could SEE my belly moving and Colton didn't need any help feeling those kicks. Even under a blanket my belly was wiggling all over the place! It sure does feel like I have a little alien in there and it sure did look like it last night too! Hopefully minus the goo/saliva and all the sacrificing of human life and such!